Friday, April 15, 2016

Nature Photography Exhibition in Balgandharva Kaladalan, JM Road

There was a nature photography exhibition in Balgandharva Kaladalan, J M Road between April 9 - 11. My wife and I visited the exhibition on April 10, in the evening at 7:30 PM. The exhibition timing was between 11 AM to 8 PM. My daughter didn't accompany us since she wanted to spend her sunday evening playing in garden with her friends rather than visiting an exhibition.

There were many artists whose pictures were kept. Photography was not allowed otherwise I would have kept some glimpses of those photos here. The photos covered animals like tiger, deer and others, birds, butterflies and buildings. There were photos of scenic views from Uttarakhand, Kashmir, Sikkim and other beautiful places too. Unfortunately not only Indian but even buildings of other countries were covered.

It was a good half an hour fun for us.